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Home > How-To Guides > Instructor/Admin > Student Devices > Student Devices: iPad Error Message in LMS
Student Devices: iPad Error Message in LMS
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When using an iPad/iPhone to access G-W content through an LMS (i.e. Canvas, Blackboard, Schoology, D2L, etc.) you may receive the following error message which reads, "Already a subscriber? Please sign in. Are You Using a School's Portal or LMS?"


If you receive this error message, this is due to the default Settings on your iPad/iPhone for your Internet Browser. Our content requires the use of 3rd-party cookies for proper authentication which means you will need to change the setting to allow 3rd-party cookies.

Please use the following to confirm that 3rd-party cookies are allowed in your Google Chrome browser:

  1. Open the Settings App
  2. Search for the Google Chrome App
  3. Next to Allow Cross-Website Tracking, Toggle this On



Please use the following to confirm that 3rd-party cookies are allowed in your Safari browser:

  1. Open the Settings App
  2. Search for the Safari App
  3. Go to Privacy and Settings
  4. Next to Prevent Cross-Site Tracking, Toggle this Off


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