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Home > How-To Guides > Instructor/Admin > RedShelf eReader > RedShelf eReader: How to Use Copy/Paste
RedShelf eReader: How to Use Copy/Paste
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G-W provides each user with a specific copy/paste allotment of the content in a book throughout the duration of their subscription. Copying cannot be undone. The eReader will present a preview of the text and the percentage of your copy allowance the selection would use to confirm you'd like to go through with the process.

Copying Text from the eBook

  1. Click and drag your cursor (or finger when using a phone or tablet) to select the text you wish to highlight.
  2.  Release the cursor/your finger to pull up the menu box and select Copy Text.

  3. The preview window will appear showing the copied content, percentage being used and still available, and whether or not you'd like to copy this text or cancel.

  4. On the bottom left side of the eReader a notification will appear stating that the text was successfully copied to your clipboard.

Accessing Copied Content

  1. Once you have copied text throughout the eBook, you may view all text from the Sidebar Menu.

  2. Select the Copied Content icon and text from each section of the book will display.

Learn more on Copied/Pasted Content from RedShelf Solve

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