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Home > How-To Guides > Instructor/Admin > MotoVisuals Library > MotoVisuals Library: How to Import MotoVisuals Library into Canvas
MotoVisuals Library: How to Import MotoVisuals Library into Canvas
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Steps to Import the MotoVisuals Library into Canvas

Important: Before an instructor may add the MotoVisuals Library to their Automotive course, the following steps must be taken: See How to Request the Addition of the MotoVisuals Library to Your Automotive Title(s) Knowledge Base Article.


The MotoVisuals Library cartridge (.imscc file) was sent to you through our ticket system. Please save the cartridge to your computer for ease of access.


Import the MotoVisuals Library Cartridge

For steps with images on how to Import a Common Cartridge in Canvas, click here

  1. After logging into Canvas, select the Automotive course to which you will add the MotoVisuals Library content.
  2. From the Course Home page, select Settings.
  3. Select Import Course Content.
  4. Next to Content Type, select Common Cartridge 1.x Package.
  5. Select Choose File to upload the common cartridge (.imscc) file that was sent (motovisuals2023_ccl_v110.imscc).
  6. Next to Content, select All content and then select the Import button.

Fix the External App Issue

When a common cartridge by G-W is imported into a course, an External App is automatically created at the course level. Since there is already a G-W External App configured from the Automotive course previously, it is important to remove the duplicate app to prevent any issues from occurring in the future.

  1. Once the import has completed, there will be "1 issue" which will be fixed in the next steps.
  2. Select Settings and select Apps at the top of the page.
  3. Select View App Configurations.
  4. Select the Gear Icon next to the additional app that was imported with this cartridge.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Select Modules to view the addition of two links added from the cartridge.

Activate the MotoVisuals Library Subscription

  1. Select "Activate Your MotoVisuals Access" link.
  2. Receive confirmation of successful activation.
  3. Go back to course Modules and select "MotoVisuals Library" link.
  4. Select Launch MotoVisuals to view its content.


We are partners with Advanced Auto Parts and are happy to be able to provide these MotoVisuals to you. Please be aware that these videos/simulations are not ADA- Compliant.

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