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Home > How-To Guides > Artificial Intelligence (AI) Rules and Regulations > Artificial Intelligence (AI): Use of G-W Content
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Use of G-W Content
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Use of Goodheart-Willcox Content in Artificial Intelligence Technology
All materials contained within the Instructor Resources and the student curriculum are copyrighted material. This includes, but is not limited to, textbooks, workbooks, and instructor resources such as lesson plans, activities, handouts, PowerPoint® presentations, and assessments. 
Educators should refrain from using copyrighted material with AI technology (such as ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Claude, or other natural language AI chatbots) in their course development or deployment, curriculum, lesson plan or activity creation, or marketing. This includes content distribution, content generation, data analytics, or modification.
In the event that an educator, district, or institution becomes aware of the creation of any unapproved AI technology-generated content based on a publisher’s copyrighted materials, they should promptly remove the AI generated content and email [email protected] to report the incident. 

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