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Home > How-To Guides > Health and Physical Education for 6th - 12th > Canvas Users > Health Canvas: How to Import 2025 Health Question Bank/Exam Files into a Course
Health Canvas: How to Import 2025 Health Question Bank/Exam Files into a Course
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Follow the steps below to access Question Bank Files from your Online Instructor Resources for the 2025 Health Titles: 

  1. Select the Online Instructor Resources link from your Canvas course.

  2. Select the ExamView Assessment Suite link to view the files for Canvas.

  3. Scroll down until you see the IMS QTI 1.1+ (For use in Canvas) section. There are a number of question bank files available for this title. Select the question types you'd like to use and a .zip folder will download to your local hard drive.

Follow the steps below to Import Question Bank Files into your Canvas course: 

  1. Go back to your Canvas course and select Course Settings.

  2. Select Import Course Content.

  3. Under Import Content, select the drop-down menu and choose QTI .zip file.

  4. A window will appear for you to find the file. Go back to your Downloads folder (or wherever you saved it) and select the desired .zip folder.

  5. Once it appears next to "Choose File," select the + Add to Import Queue button.

  6. Repeat Steps 1-5 until you have all question bank files you would like in this course.


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