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Home > How-To Guides > Instructor/Admin > Translation > Translation: How to Translate G-W Content
Translation: How to Translate G-W Content
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  1. G-W does not endorse any specific applications or extensions. In this KBA we are using Google Translate Extension. 
  2. We can not guarantee this method will work on your computer.
  3. It depends on if your school/administrator allows you to use this piece.
  4. This does not mean the content will be translated correctly. 
  5. This is to be used only in real time classwork/homework. If you want to reproduce or redistribute in another language in any quantity of printed materials please see:

In Chrome how to translate the text using selection: 

  1. Highlight the text you want to translate
  2. Right click and select Translate selection to español
  3. Little insert of the text will populate with translation. (Don't select Translate Full Page it will not)

In Chrome how to translate the text using Google Translate:

  1. Highlight the text you want to translate
  2. Right click and select Google Translate
  3. Will pop open a new tab and will have both English and Spanish text.
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