Nov 27, 2023
Class Option Descriptions
Within your course you will have various options for your class. Below you will find a description of each numbered area:
- Class Name: This is the class name you setup initially. This can be edited under Class Settings. You can access the content by clicking on the Class Name or Course
- Content: This shows the number of course(s) content you have added to your class
- Here is a link to show how to add course(s) to your class:
- Here is a link to show how to add course(s) to your class:
- Due Today: This will show the number of activities due on a specific date
- Ready to Grade: Number of assignments ready to grade
- Content: Gain access to the content by selecting the word Content.
- Assignment: Gain access to assignments by selecting Assignment.
- Roster: This will show you the students rostered in your course, allow you to roster students in the course, and see the course access code to provide to students to self-register
- Here is the link to provide steps on rostering:
- Here is the link to provide steps on rostering:
- Class Settings: You can edit your class setting here such as the class name, start and end of class, and access codes
- Here is the link to provide you with editing the settings:
- Here is the link to provide you with editing the settings:
- Groups: Allows you to create groups of students to work on specific content
- FileShare: Instructors or Students can upload files to be shared with the class