Oct 27, 2023
- After selecting Content from the Dashboard, choose Open.
- Select a Chapter/Unit and select Open.
- Select a Resource/Assignment and select Assign.
- Complete the assignment details (Assign to, Date Range, Reports and Grading, and Student Instructions) and select Assign.
- Assign To: Instructors may assign a single assignment to an entire class, to individual students, or to multiple classes.
- Date Range: Instructors may select a start date and time as well as a due date and time.
- Reports & Grading: Instructors may decide whether or not to release the score from this assignment to reports, release grades to students, and whether or not students may review their work before submission.
- Student Instructions: Instructors may provide specific instructions to students for clarity.
- The Calendar icon will now appear under the assignment to indicate that it has been assigned.